Creating cleaner smiles everyday.
3801 S. Cooper St., Suite 109 Arlington, TX, 76015 (817) 123-4567


We offer white or tooth colored pediatric crowns as well as silver, stainless steal crowns. Since the enamel of baby teeth is thinner, cavities tend to spread more easily and usually come to affect a larger area of the tooth. At that point, crowns may be the only way to protect the tooth from premature extraction.

Dentist Chair - “ We provide high quality care in these comfortable dentist chairs.” Dentist Room - “ Our professional dentist room.” 
Girl with the Dentist - “ The dentist is examining the loose tooth.” Girl with toothbrush - “We encourage your child to develop lifelong skills in taking care of her
teeth.” A dentist with a boy - “ We make sure our patients know how to brush their teeth.”


We have information for our patients



8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday