Creating cleaner smiles everyday.
3801 S. Cooper St., Suite 109 Arlington, TX, 76015 (817) 123-4567


A standard dental exam for adults typically involves checking for dental problems that can range from cavities, gum disease and tooth root decay to broken teeth, enamel erosion and bite problems like TMD. If it's been longer than year since you've seen a dentist, you'll get a complete set of X-rays, too. Either your dentist or a dental hygienist will give you a professional dental cleaning to remove plaque or tartar buildup. And finally, your dentist will design a dental treatment plan for you based on what he or she finds during your dental exam.

Dentist Chair - “ We provide high quality care in these comfortable dentist chairs.” Dentist Room - “ Our professional dentist room.” 
Girl with the Dentist - “ The dentist is examining the loose tooth.” Girl with toothbrush - “We encourage your child to develop lifelong skills in taking care of her
teeth.” A dentist with a boy - “ We make sure our patients know how to brush their teeth.”


We have information for our patients



8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday