The Blooms & Buds Flower Shop Logo


Most floral arrangements last 4-7 days or longer, depending on the flowers used and the care they receive. For floral arrangements.

Keep the vase filled (or floral foam soaked) with water containing a flower food provided by your florist. Flower foods make flowers last longer but it is important to follow the mixing directions on the flower food packet. Most packets are to be mixed with either a pint or a quart of water. Flower foods should not be diluted with more water than is specified on the packet.

Keep flowers in a cool spot (65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit)

Most flowers will last longer under cool conditions

For loose bunches or boxed flowers

Keep your flowers in a cool place until you can get them in the flower food solution.

Fill a clean (washed with a detergent or antibacterial cleaning solution), deep vase with water and add the flower food.

Remove leaves that will be below the waterline.

Re-cut stems by removing one to two inches with a sharp knife. Place the flowers in the vase solution you've prepared.

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Image credits: bibliography.pdf. Logo and icons are created by Megan Wagoner.