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There are some tips that you will need to know before taking care of the flowers. Do you need gardening tips? Here is what you need to do.


There are tips for planting flowers.

Tip 1 The Sun is essential.
Tip 2 Success is in the soil. Good soil -- not too sandy, not too sticky, with enough organic matter to make it drain well and be inviting to plant roots. If you want to see more tips then click on read more.

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Most floral arrangements last 4-7 days or longer, depending on the flowers used and the care they receive. For floral arrangements.

Keep the vase filled (or floral foam soaked) with water containing a flower food provided by your florist. Flower foods make flowers last longer but it is important to follow the mixing directions on the flower food packet. Most packets are to be mixed with either a pint or a quart of water. Flower foods should not be diluted with more water than is specified on the packet.

More flower care information is on the flower care page
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If your roses arrived in plastic water tubes, remove them before arranging.

Remove any leaves that will be under water, taking care not to cut through or scrape the green bark.

Re-cut stems by removing 1-2 inches with a sharp knife.
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